A Letter to our Future Child

We are answering the call that has been placed on our hearts and pursuing the adoption of a child who has special needs from Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine. It is our hope that within the next two years we can bring a child home to our family who would otherwise have difficulty being adopted and would be at risk to be institutionalized, or has already been institutionalized, simply because they have special needs. If you have not read my previous post concerning orphans in Ukraine who have special needs, you can read it here.

Many people would falsely construe a child who is adopted as "lucky", but truthfully it is the other way around. The adoptive parents of that child are the lucky ones for being able to be trusted with the responsibility of raising them. No child deserves to be starved, to be tied to a crib and left for hours, to sit in soiled diapers, to have a lack of stimulation and no knowledge of socializing and playing, to not have the joy of a parent who selflessly loves them. We believe we are lucky to be able to bring this child into our home and we know that we will persevere to provide for their needs in any way that we can.

To our future child,

We love you. I am so sorry that you have had to wait so long for us to find you. It breaks our hearts to think of all the things you have had to endure while waiting for us. To know that you have been hurt, or scared, or sad, or hungry, or anything that is short of happiness is why we will do everything in our power to make sure we can bring you home sooner. We want to meet you, because all we know of you is what has been in our dreams. Do you know how very special you are to us? Do you know that we have waited for you, eagerly? Do you know how much we love you and are so excited for you to be part of our family so that we can hug and kiss you everyday of your life? Do you know that you have a brother who wants to play with you? You are a gift to us- and don't let anyone ever make you feel like you are anything less than someone who is worthy of love and designed perfectly by God.

Soon we will have you in our arms. We have so much work to do on this end before we can come and get you, but know that we will be with you soon. We pray that God gives you that feeling to know we are coming, that there is hope- that He comforts you and protects you all the days of your life until we can add even more happiness to those days.

Sweet child- you are loved. See you soon.

Your family.